Next, I am presenting the PROMOTING VIDEO to hook participants to play the gamification project I designed. This is the extra challenge in Level 5. I hope you dare to start playing it. It's been a great pleasure learning from all of you. See you soon! I desire you best in the current situation we are living due to the pandemic caused by the coronavirus. I hope we can cope with it really soon.
WOW! After many hours learning, thinking and working, at last, the final product!!! What I am presenting next is the SAINT GEORGE ESCAPE CLASSROOM . It is addressed to pupils in Primary 5 and 6. These are kids who love playing and learning and who have a really good level of English at their age. They love discovering new things and ways of learning and doing challenges in the English Classes. These were the main reasons why I started thinking about preparing this Escape Room. I am sure they will be really motivated doing it because, moreover, it has been designed contextualized to their area of living. So, they will recognize plenty of the things that appear. And... as we are really close to St. George festivity, I decided to choose this topic. Moreover, due to our situation, now we haven't got any more option than working at home; so, they will have a ball at home playing and learning! To guess the main objectives of this Edubreakout... look at the following PowToon present...