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WOW! After many hours learning, thinking and working, at last, the final product!!!

What I am presenting next is the SAINT GEORGE ESCAPE CLASSROOM.
It is addressed to pupils in Primary 5 and 6. These are kids who love playing and learning and who have a really good level of English at their age. They love discovering new things and ways of learning and doing challenges in the English Classes. These were the main reasons why I started thinking about preparing this Escape Room. I am sure they will be really motivated doing it because, moreover, it has been designed contextualized to their area of living. So, they will recognize plenty of the things that appear. And... as we are really close to St. George festivity, I decided to choose this topic. Moreover, due to our situation, now we haven't got any more option than working at home; so, they will have a ball at home playing and learning!

To guess the main objectives of this Edubreakout... look at the following PowToon presentation! 

And now...
Now I  will summarize them with this presentation:

This is how I ORGANIZED MY GAMIFYING PROJECT (click on it).

And... After spending many hours thinking and organizing my ideas, finally I decided to present the last challenge (the "fase beta") mainly with a sites, but also with a form (from the GSuite tools). However, during all the challenges, other digital and varied tools are used to give the hints and keep pupils' attention and motivation.
It has been a challenging activity but really rewarding and I am willing to send it to my pupils so that they can do it.

The adventure starts with a storytelling (the one presented many days ago in this blog) to hook our pupils and a presentation to clarify the challenges they have to overcome. From now on, pupils must go from challenge to challenge, saving animals and people from the fierce dragon until they can save their town and get an exit ticket that will give them social recognitions at school by showing their achievement in the school website, with a paddlet,  using their photos with their certificates. All the school community will be aware of their power! Because they will have been able to save their town and becoming Knights of the Future!!!

As far as the evaluation is concerned, this will be taken into account after sending the answers to the teacher via google form submission. And obviously, by talking to them and finding out whether they have solved all the challenges alone or with their parents or friends' help or even whether they have contact to me to ask for help. Thus, it will be a formative and summative assessment.

Are you ready to experience this St. George Escape Room? so... GO FOR IT!
I hope you break a leg and have a ball!!!


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