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Next, you will find a summary of key information to start with the world of Gamification.

This is my Content Curators. It has been created using Click on each title and the link will open.





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Once in Level 3, we had to prepare a storyboard related to the storytelling we want to use for the final gamification activity. My experience when doing this draft it hasn't been quite good. I have had plenty of problems. Although I had a clear idea of the prose I wanted to use, I had great difficulties in finding the right ICT tool to express in a visual way what I had in my mind. Firstly, maybe because we are still used to doing drafts using paper. For me, this is still the fastest and easiest way. In this sense, incorporating the ICT tool, it has been a waste of time. Secondly, because I started using some tools, but when you learnt how it worked, you realized that that wasn't the style you were looking for. Thus, you had to move to another tool. And thirdly, once you got the tool you expected, and you had almost finished, then you had to pay for adding extra images or  for adding more than 6 comic strips or even paying for downloading it. And obviously, I am not goin...